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As impatient wings bring a close to another year, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible. Cheers to each of you, and to another great year! Wishing you days filled with peace, joy, and laughter; and prosperity in the New Year, from your friends who will strive to find more ways to inspire, and welcome you, at Sandstone Gardens.

Vicki & I would like to extend a special thank you to our customers, but also to our staff and employees who helped make a great year! Many transitions occurred, and with each one it kept getting better and better.

The response and reviews from our customers in the past six months have been that the store was extraordinary, the best they had seen it since we opened; and also, the great service they received while they were here.

Keeping up with the inventory and displays at Sandstone Gardens is an arduous task. Vicki & I will always give credit where credit is due. To our customers and staff, thank you for a great year.

2 Responses to “ Welcome 2011! ”

  1. Sandra Sims says:

    Was in there in December and you had a white birdhouse that looked like a church and it was about 3 ft in height. Planning on coming at the end of the month, will you still have any left?
    Thank you,
    Sandy Sims

  2. admin says:

    Hi Sandy, we have one or two of those birdhouses left in the store right now. I really don’t know if they will be there at the end of the month or not…Hope so!! See you soon!

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