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We’re editing walls and making space, getting ready for new merchandise that has been arriving; spring will be budding in the store very soon!

Fresh artwork and lighting, and more to come…

What better time to use those gift cards you received for Christmas!  Bring some warmth to old man winter, come in and pick something that will get you through until the sun is shining and the birds start chirping again…

To Market,
To Market,
Off we go…

Here’s a little bit of what’s new this season and in the store now…

Bring a splash of spring home with a new piece of pottery… We have various colors, shapes and sizes to pick from.  Jazz up a coffee table, maybe bring some color to a bookcase,  or use as a centerpiece with a snazzy spring floral inside.

Below we used two pieces of this sage green in a collage of goodies atop this rustic round coffee table.  The color mixes well with the components in the collection and brings the urge for green indoors…hmmm, very inviting!

Great looking shapes and so many sizes to choose from…

Look at the splash of color this tall vase with simple greens adds to this bath; makes the giant garden tub very enticing!

These vibrant blues make you daydream of summer sky’s!

Oh…by the way, that wonderful lamp that’s been in the background of the pottery shots is NEW too!  We have some great new lighting in the store with much more to come!

Here we have yet another color in the pottery…White!  But look at these great black lanterns…I am sitting here thinking of a million wonderful ways to use them, what do you think?!?!

These vintage looking toile trays are fabulous to create a collection by adding candle sticks, stacking books, finials, or maybe a collection of your favorite jars…

I love, love, love these new kitchen towel sets that just arrived!  I think I might actually like doing my dishes with these hanging around…well, let’s not go that far!  Instead look what I come up with to add a little spring to the dining area…

Isn’t this fun?!?!  Using them as a napkin brings in a fresh element to this tabletop. Here’s a close-up…

Max & I are off to market this week…weather permitting!  I hope to take some pictures while we are gone to share with you next week.  Stay warm and see you soon!

4 Responses to “ What’s Happening?!? ”

  1. judy says:

    We live west of Baxter Spgs. and want you to know that your store is such an asset to this area of the country. Your business is amazing inside and outside.
    Thanks for adding to our viewing pleasure. lol

  2. Carolyn Beaver says:

    Beautiful. I’m anxious to get back up to Sandstone and see all the new Sping items, Spring silk flowers, and greenery. The flowers and greenery you bring in are the most realistic I have ever seen.

  3. Gwen Wilburn says:

    I have moved from Independence, Ks to Stillwater, OK. While living in Independence I visited Sandstone Gardens several times and my home has so many things from there. I am trying to get a group of women from Stillwater, OK and make a road trip to Sandstone. —- I was wondering if you had any damage from the tornado? I am anxious to show your place off to my Oklahoma friends. Gwen Wilburn

  4. Sandy Andrews says:

    I feel so refreshed when I visit your store….like a re-birth inside. I’m bringing a friend next time to enjoy the beauty with me. All people affected by the Tornado are in my daily prayers.

    Arkappella Show Chorus will be giving a performance in Rogers, Arkansas this Friday evening to benefit the victims of the Tornado. I know it will help.

    God bless you all.

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